What is the general welding speed of robots? What are the technical parameters?

In recent years, with the development of industrial robots, whether robots will replace humans has become one of the hottest topics in this era, especially with the customization of welding robots by industrial robots. It is said that the welding speed of robots is more than twice that of manual welding! It is said that the welding speed of robots is the same as manual welding because their parameters are basically the same. What is the welding speed of the robot? What are the technical parameters?

1Robot welding speed

1. Robot welding can improve production efficiency

The six axis welding robot has a short response time and fast action. The welding speed is 50-160cm/min, which is much higher than manual welding (40-60cm/min). The robot will not stop during operation. As long as the external water and electricity conditions are guaranteed, the project can continue. High quality six axis robots have stable performance and reasonable use. Under the premise of maintenance, there should be no malfunctions within 10 years. This actually improves the production efficiency of the enterprise.

2. Robot welding can improve product quality

During the robot welding process, as long as the welding parameters and motion trajectory are given, the robot will accurately repeat this action. Welding current and other welding parameters. The voltage welding speed and welding elongation play a decisive role in the welding effect. During the robot welding process, the welding parameters of each weld seam are constant, and the welding quality is less affected by human factors, reducing the requirements for worker operation skills. The welding quality is stable, ensuring product quality.

3. Robot welding can shorten the product transformation cycle and corresponding equipment investment

Robot welding can shorten the product transformation cycle and reduce the corresponding equipment investment. It can achieve welding automation for small batch products. The biggest difference between robots and special machines is that they can adapt to the production of different workpieces.

During the product update process, the robot body can redesign corresponding fixtures based on the new product, and update the product and equipment without changing or calling the corresponding program commands.

Higher loading ability industrial robot

2Technical parameters of welding robots

1. Number of joints. The number of joints can also be referred to as degrees of freedom, which is an important indicator of robot flexibility. Generally speaking, the workspace of a robot can reach three degrees of freedom, but welding not only needs to reach a certain position in the space, but also needs to ensure the spatial posture of the welding gun.

2. Rated load refers to the rated load that the robot's end can withstand. The loads we mentioned include welding guns and their cables, cutting tools, gas pipes, and welding tongs. For cables and cooling water pipes, different welding methods require different rated loads, and different types of welding tongs have different load capacities.

3. Repetitive positioning accuracy. Repetitive positioning accuracy refers to the repetitive accuracy of welding robot trajectories. The repeated positioning accuracy of arc welding robots and cutting robots is more important. For arc welding and cutting robots, the repeatability accuracy of the track should be less than half of the diameter of the welding wire or the diameter of the cutting tool hole, usually reaching ± 0.05mm or less.

What is the welding speed of the robot? What are the technical parameters? When choosing a welding robot, it is necessary to choose the appropriate technical specifications based on one's own workpiece. The technical parameters of the welding robot include the number of joints, rated load, welding speed, and welding function with repeated positioning accuracy. At a production speed of 60%, welding robots can weld 350 angle steel flanges per day, which is five times the production efficiency of skilled welding workers. In addition, the welding quality and stability of robots are higher than those of manual welding products. Accurate and beautiful welding, amazing speed! This project has replaced traditional welding operations for steel components such as artificial ventilation pipe flanges and steel supports, greatly improving welding quality and production efficiency.

Post time: Apr-01-2024