What is industrial robot system integration? What are the main contents?

Industrial robot system integration refers to the assembly and programming of robots to meet production needs and form an efficient automated production process.

1、 About Industrial Robot System Integration

Upstream suppliers provide industrial robot core components such as reducers, servo motors, and controllers; Mid stream manufacturers are usually mainly responsible for the robot body; The integration of industrial robot systems belongs to downstream integrators, mainly responsible for the secondary development of industrial robot applications and the integration of peripheral automation equipment. In short, integrators play a crucial role as a bridge between the past and the future, and the robot body can only be used by end customers after system integration.

2、 What aspects are included in the integration of industrial robot systems

What are the main aspects of industrial robot system integration? Mainly includes robot selection, peripheral selection, programming development, system integration, and networked control.

1. Robot selection: Based on the production scenarios and production line requirements provided by end users, choose the appropriate robot brand, model, and configuration of the robot. Like six-axis industrial robots, four-axis palletizing and handling robots, and so on.

2. Application devices: Select suitable application devices based on the different needs of end users, such as handling, welding, etc. Such as tooling fixtures, gripper suction cups, and welding equipment.

3. Programming development: Write operating programs according to the processing requirements and process requirements of the production line. This includes the operation steps, trajectory, action logic, and safety protection of the robot.

4. System integration: Integrate the robot body, application equipment, and control system to establish an automated production line in the factory.

5. Network control: Connect the robot system with the control system and ERP system to achieve information sharing and real-time monitoring.

BORUNTE ROBOT application

3、 The process steps of integrating industrial robot systems

Industrial robots cannot be directly applied to production lines, so integrators are needed to assemble and program them to meet the needs of the production line and complete automated production tasks. Therefore, the steps for integrating industrial robot systems generally include:

1. Planning and design of the system. Different end users have different usage scenarios, production processes, and processes. Therefore, the planning and design of the system is a customized process. Plan suitable terminal devices and processes for end-users based on their usage scenarios, needs, and processes.

2. Selection and procurement of customized equipment. Based on the integration solution and equipment requirements designed by industrial robot integrators for end users, purchase the required models and components of machines or equipment. Adapted processing equipment, controllers, etc. are crucial for the integration of the final robot system.

3. Program development. Develop the operation program and control software of the robot based on the design scheme of industrial robot system integration. Industrial robots can perform a series of operations according to the requirements of the factory, which cannot be separated from program control.

4. On site installation and debugging. On site installation of robots and equipment, debugging of the overall system to ensure normal operation. The on-site installation and debugging can be considered as an inspection of industrial robots before they are officially put into production. On site feedback can be provided directly on whether there are any errors in the planning and design of the system, equipment procurement, program development, and debugging processes.

4、 Process application of industrial robot system integration

1. The automotive industry: welding, assembly, and painting

2. Electronics industry: semiconductor processing, circuit board assembly, and chip mounting

3. Logistics industry: material handling, packaging, and sorting

4. Mechanical manufacturing: parts processing, assembly, and surface treatment, etc

5. Food processing: food packaging, sorting, and cooking.

5、 The Development Trend of Industrial Robot System Integration

In the future, the downstream industry of industrial robot system integration will become more segmented. At present, there are many systems integration industries in the market, and the process barriers between different industries are high, which cannot adapt to the development of the market in the long term. In the future, end users will have increasingly high requirements for products and integrated systems. Therefore, integrators need to have a deeper understanding of industry processes in order to gain an advantage in market competition. Therefore, focusing on one or several industries for deep cultivation is an inevitable choice for many small and medium-sized integrators.


Post time: May-15-2024