What are the types of industrial robots based on their structure and application?

Industrial robots are robots used in automated production and manufacturing processes. They are designed to perform various tasks, including assembly, welding, handling, packaging, precision machining, etc. Industrial robots are usually composed of mechanical structures, sensors, control systems, and software, and can automatically complete tasks with high repeatability, high precision requirements, and high danger.
Industrial robots can be classified into various types based on their application and structural characteristics, such as SCARA robots, axial robots, Delta robots, collaborative robots, etc. These robots each have different characteristics and applicable scenarios, which can meet the needs of different industrial fields. The following are some common types of industrial robots:


SCARA robot (Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm): SCARA robots are commonly used in applications such as assembly, packaging, and handling, characterized by a large working radius and flexible motion control capabilities.


Forearm robots: Forearm robots are usually used for welding, spraying, and other applications that require a large working radius, characterized by a large operating range and high accuracy.
Cartesian robots, also known as Cartesian robots, have three linear axes and can move on the X, Y, and Z axes. They are commonly used in applications such as assembly and spraying.


Parallel robot: The arm structure of parallel robots is usually composed of multiple parallel connected rods, which are characterized by high rigidity and load capacity, suitable for heavy handling and assembly operations.


Linear robot: A linear robot is a type of robot that moves in a straight line, suitable for applications that require movement along a straight track, such as assembly operations on an assembly line.


Collaborative Robots: Collaborative robots are designed to work with humans and provide secure interaction capabilities, suitable for workplaces that require human-machine collaboration.
At present, industrial robots are widely used in various fields such as automotive manufacturing, electronic manufacturing, chemical industry, medical equipment, and food processing. Industrial robots can greatly improve production efficiency, reduce labor costs, improve product quality, and make it possible to perform tasks in harsh environments.

Post time: Jan-19-2024