The various components and functions of industrial robots

Industrial robots play a crucial role in various industries, improving production efficiency, reducing costs, improving product quality, and even changing the production methods of the entire industry. So, what are the components of a complete industrial robot? This article will provide a detailed introduction to the various components and functions of industrial robots to help you better understand this key technology.

1. Mechanical structure

The basic structure of industrial robots includes the body, arms, wrists, and fingers. These components together constitute the motion system of the robot, enabling precise positioning and movement in three-dimensional space.

Body: The body is the main body of a robot, usually made of high-strength steel, used to support other components and provide internal space to accommodate various sensors, controllers, and other devices.

Arm: The arm is the main part of a robot's task execution, usually driven by joints, to achieve multi degree of freedom movement. Depending on the application scenario, the arm can be designed with either a fixed axis or a retractable axis.

Wrist: The wrist is the part where the robot's end effector contacts the workpiece, usually composed of a series of joints and connecting rods, to achieve flexible grasping, placement, and operation functions.


2. Control system

The control system of industrial robots is its core part, responsible for receiving information from sensors, processing this information, and sending control commands to drive the robot's movement. Control systems typically include the following components:

Controller: The controller is the brain of industrial robots, responsible for processing signals from various sensors and generating corresponding control commands. Common types of controllers include PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), DCS (Distributed Control System), and IPC (Intelligent Control System).

Driver: The driver is the interface between the controller and the motor, responsible for converting the control commands issued by the controller into the actual motion of the motor. According to different application requirements, drivers can be divided into stepper motor drivers, servo motor drivers, and linear motor drivers.

Programming interface: A programming interface is a tool used by users to interact with robot systems, typically including computer software, touch screens, or specialized operating panels. Through the programming interface, users can set the motion parameters of the robot, monitor its operating status, and diagnose and handle faults.


3. Sensors

Industrial robots need to rely on various sensors to obtain information about the surrounding environment in order to perform tasks such as correct positioning, navigation, and obstacle avoidance. Common types of sensors include:

Visual sensors: Visual sensors are used to capture images or video data of target objects, such as cameras, Lidar, etc. By analyzing this data, robots can achieve functions such as object recognition, localization, and tracking.

Force/torque sensors: Force/torque sensors are used to measure the external forces and torques experienced by robots, such as pressure sensors, torque sensors, etc. These data are crucial for the motion control and load monitoring of robots.

Proximity/Distance Sensor: Proximity/Distance sensors are used to measure the distance between the robot and surrounding objects to ensure a safe range of motion. Common proximity/distance sensors include ultrasonic sensors, infrared sensors, etc.

Encoder: An encoder is a sensor used to measure rotation angle and position information, such as a photoelectric encoder, magnetic encoder, etc. By processing these data, robots can achieve precise position control and trajectory planning.

4. Communication interface

In order to achieve collaborative work and information sharing with other devices, industrial robots usually need to have certain communication capabilities. The communication interface can connect robots with other devices (such as other robots on the production line, material handling equipment, etc.) and upper level management systems (such as ERP, MES, etc.), achieving functions such as data exchange and remote control. Common types of communication interfaces include:

Ethernet interface: Ethernet interface is a universal network interface based on IP protocol, widely used in the field of industrial automation. Through Ethernet interface, robots can achieve high-speed data transmission and real-time monitoring with other devices.

PROFIBUS interface: PROFIBUS is an international standard fieldbus protocol widely used in the field of industrial automation. The PROFIBUS interface can achieve fast and reliable data exchange and collaborative control between different devices.

USB interface: USB interface is a universal serial communication interface that can be used to connect input devices such as keyboards and mice, as well as output devices such as printers and storage devices. Through the USB interface, robots can achieve interactive operations and information transmission with users.

In summary, a complete industrial robot consists of multiple parts such as mechanical structure, control system, sensors, and communication interface. These components work together to enable robots to complete various high-precision and high-speed tasks in complex industrial production environments. With the continuous development of technology and the expanding demand for applications, industrial robots will continue to play an important role in modern manufacturing.

Transport application

Post time: Jan-12-2024