The Six Axes of Industrial Robots: Flexible and Versatile, Helping Automated Production

The six axes of industrial robots refer to the six joints of the robot, which enable the robot to move flexibly in three-dimensional space. These six joints typically include the base, shoulder, elbow, wrist, and end effector. These joints can be driven by electric motors to achieve various complex motion trajectories and complete various work tasks.

Industrial robots are a type of automation equipment widely used in the manufacturing industry. It is usually composed of six joints, which are called "axes" and can move independently to achieve precise control of the object. Below, we will provide a detailed introduction to these six axes and their applications, technologies, and development trends.

1、 Technology

1. First axis: Base Rotation Axis The first axis is a rotating joint that connects the robot base to the ground. It can achieve 360 degree free rotation of the robot on a horizontal plane, allowing the robot to move objects or perform other operations in different directions. This design enables the robot to flexibly adjust its position in space and improve its work efficiency.

2. Second axis: Waist Rotation Axis The second axis is located between the robot's waist and shoulder, and can achieve rotation perpendicular to the first axis direction. This axis allows the robot to rotate on a horizontal plane without changing its height, thereby expanding its working range. For example, a robot with a second axis can move objects from one side to the other while maintaining arm posture.

3. Third axis: Shoulder Pitch Axis The third axis is located on the shoulder of the robot and can rotate vertically. Through this axis, the robot can achieve angle changes between the forearm and upper arm for precise operations in different work scenarios. In addition, this axis can also help the robot complete some movements that require up and down movement, such as moving boxes.

4. Fourth axis: Elbow Flexion/Extension Axis The fourth axis is located at the elbow of the robot and can achieve forward and backward stretching movements. This allows the robot to perform grasping, placement, or other operations as needed. At the same time, this axis can also assist the robot in completing tasks that require swinging back and forth, such as installing parts on the assembly line.

5. Fifth axis: Wrist Rotation Axis The fifth axis is located in the wrist part of the robot and can rotate around its own centerline. This allows robots to adjust the angle of hand tools through the movement of their wrists, thereby achieving more flexible working methods. For example, during welding, the robot can use this axis to adjust the angle of the welding gun to meet different welding needs.

6. Sixth axis: Hand Roll Axis The sixth axis is also located at the wrist of the robot, allowing for the rolling action of hand tools. This means that robots can not only grasp objects through the opening and closing of their fingers, but also use the rolling of their hands to achieve more complex gestures. For example, in a scenario where screws need to be tightened, the robot can use this axis to complete the task of tightening and loosening screws.

2、 Application

1. Welding: Industrial robots are widely used in the welding field and can complete various complex welding tasks. For example, welding of car bodies, welding of ships, etc.

2. Handling: Industrial robots are also widely used in the field of handling, and can complete various material handling tasks. For example, component handling on automotive assembly lines, cargo handling in warehouses, etc.

3. Spraying: The application of industrial robots in the spraying field can achieve high-quality and efficient spraying operations. For example, car body painting, furniture surface painting, etc.

4. Cutting: The application of industrial robots in the cutting field can achieve high-precision and high-speed cutting operations. For example, metal cutting, plastic cutting, etc.

5. Assembly: The application of industrial robots in the field of assembly can achieve automated and flexible assembly operations. For example, electronic product assembly, automotive component assembly, etc.

3、 Cases

Taking the application of industrial robots in an automobile manufacturing plant as an example, explain the application and advantages of industrial robots with six axes. On the production line of the automobile manufacturing plant, industrial robots are used for automated assembly and handling of body parts. By controlling the six axis motion of the robot, the following functions can be achieved:

Moving body parts from storage area to assembly area;

Accurately assemble different types of components according to process requirements;

Conduct quality inspection during the assembly process to ensure product quality;

Stack and store the assembled body components for subsequent processing.

By using industrial robots for automated assembly and transportation, the automobile manufacturing plant can improve production efficiency, reduce labor costs, and improve product quality and safety. At the same time, the application of industrial robots can also reduce the occurrence of work-related accidents and occupational diseases on production lines.

Industrial robots, multi joint robots, scara robots, collaborative robots, parallel robots, mobile robots, service robots, distribution robots, cleaning robots, medical robots, sweeping robots, educational robots, special robots, inspection robots, construction robots, agricultural robots, quadruped robots, underwater robots, components, reducers, servo motors, controllers, sensors, fixtures

4、 Development

1. Intelligence: With the development of artificial intelligence technology, industrial robots are moving towards intelligence. Intelligent industrial robots can achieve functions such as autonomous learning and decision-making, thereby better adapting to complex and ever-changing production environments.

2. Flexibility: With the diversification and personalization of production needs, industrial robots are developing towards flexibility. Flexible industrial robots can achieve rapid switching of multiple tasks to meet different production needs.

3. Integration: With the trend of integration in production systems, industrial robots are developing towards integration. Integrated industrial robots can achieve seamless integration with other production equipment, thereby improving the efficiency and stability of the entire production system.

4. Collaboration: With the development of human-machine collaboration technology, industrial robots are moving towards collaboration. Collaborative industrial robots can achieve safe collaboration with humans, thereby reducing safety risks in the production process.

In summary, the six axis technology of industrial robots has been widely applied in various fields, playing an important role in improving production efficiency, reducing production costs, and ensuring product quality. With the continuous development of technology, industrial robots will develop towards intelligence, flexibility, integration, and collaboration, bringing greater changes to industrial production.


5、 Challenges and Opportunities

Technical challenges: Although the technology of industrial robots has made significant progress, they still face many technical challenges, such as improving the motion accuracy of robots, achieving more complex motion trajectories, and improving the perception ability of robots. These technological challenges need to be overcome through continuous research and innovation.

Cost challenge: The cost of industrial robots is relatively high, which is an unbearable burden for many small and medium-sized enterprises. Therefore, how to reduce the cost of industrial robots and make them more popular and practical is an important issue in the current development of industrial robots.

Talent challenge: The development of industrial robots requires a large number of professional talents, including research and development personnel, operators, and maintenance personnel. However, the current talent shortage in the field of industrial robots is still quite serious, which poses a certain constraint on the development of industrial robots.

Security challenge: With the increasingly widespread application of industrial robots in various fields, how to ensure the safety of robots in the working process has become an urgent problem to be solved. This requires comprehensive consideration and improvement in the design, manufacturing, and use of robots.

Opportunity: Although industrial robots face many challenges, their development prospects are still very broad. With the introduction of concepts such as Industry 4.0 and intelligent manufacturing, industrial robots will play an increasingly important role in future industrial production. In addition, with the development of technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data, industrial robots will have stronger intelligence and adaptability, bringing more opportunities for industrial production.

In summary, the six axis technology of industrial robots has achieved significant results in various fields of application, bringing huge changes to industrial production. However, the development of industrial robots still faces many challenges that need to be overcome through continuous technological innovation and talent cultivation. At the same time, industrial robots will also usher in more development opportunities, bringing more possibilities for future industrial production.

6、 Six axis industrial robot

What is a six axis industrial robot? What is a six axis industrial robot used for?

Six axis robots assist in industrial intelligence and innovation leads the future manufacturing industry.

A six axis industrial robot is a common automation tool that has six joint axes, each of which is a joint, allowing the robot to move in different ways, such as rotation, twisting, etc. These joint axes include: rotation (S-axis), lower arm (L-axis), upper arm (U-axis), wrist rotation (R-axis), wrist swing (B-axis), and wrist rotation (T-axis).

This type of robot has the characteristics of high flexibility, large load, and high positioning accuracy, so it is widely used in automatic assembly, painting, transportation, welding, and other work. For example, ABB's six axis articulated robot products can provide ideal solutions for applications such as material handling, machine loading and unloading, spot welding, arc welding, cutting, assembly, testing, inspection, gluing, grinding, and polishing.

However, despite the many advantages of six axis robots, there are also some challenges and problems, such as controlling the motion path of each axis, coordinating the motion between each axis, and how to improve the robot's motion speed and accuracy. These problems need to be overcome through continuous technological innovation and optimization.

A six axis robot is a joint robotic arm with six rotational axes, which has the advantage of having high degrees of freedom similar to a human hand and is suitable for almost any trajectory or angle of work. By pairing with different end effectors, six axis robots can be suitable for a wide range of application scenarios such as loading, unloading, painting, surface treatment, testing, measurement, arc welding, spot welding, packaging, assembly, chip cutting machine tools, fixation, special assembly operations, forging, casting, etc.

In recent years, the application of six axis robots in the industrial field has gradually increased, especially in industries such as new energy and automotive components. According to IFR data, the global sales of industrial robots reached 21.7 billion US dollars in 2022, and are expected to reach 23 billion yuan in 2024. Among them, the proportion of Chinese industrial robot sales in the world has exceeded 50%.

Six axis robots can be further divided into large six axes (>20KG) and small six axes (≤ 20KG) according to the size of the load. From the composite growth rate of sales in the past 5 years, the large six axis (48.5%)>collaborative robots (39.8%)>small six axis (19.3%)>SCARA robots (15.4%)>Delta robots (8%).

The main categories of industrial robots include six axis robots, SCARA robots, Delta robots, and collaborative robots. The six axis robot industry is characterized by insufficient high-end production capacity and overcapacity at the low end. Our country's independent brand industrial robots mainly consist of three axis and four axis coordinate robots and planar multi joint robots, with six axis multi joint robots accounting for less than 6% of the national sales of industrial robots.

The global industrial robot Longhairnake firmly holds its position as the leader of global industrial robots with its ultimate mastery of underlying CNC system technology. In the large six axis segment with low localization rate and high barriers, leading domestic manufacturers such as Aston, Huichuan Technology, Everett, and Xinshida are at the forefront, possessing a certain scale and technical strength.

Overall, the application of six axis robots in the industrial field is gradually increasing and has broad market prospects. 

Post time: Nov-24-2023