The impact of a decrease in birth rate on the welding industry

According to statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics, the national population will decrease by 850,000 in 2022, marking the first negative population growth in nearly 61 years. The birth rate in our country continues to decrease, and more and more people choose to have only one child or not. At present, the welding industry has encountered difficulties in recruiting enterprises, resulting in increased recruitment costs and reduced economic benefits. The continuous decrease in birth rate predicts that welding workers will become more scarce in the future, and the labor costs of enterprises will further increase. In addition, with the arrival of Industry 4.0 era, the manufacturing industry will develop towards intelligence in the future, and more and more robots will appear to help or replace humans in their work.

In terms of the welding industry, existing intelligent welding robots, such as welding robots, can replace humans to complete welding work and achieve one person managing a welding workshop. The welding robot can also achieve 24-hour operation, helping enterprises reduce labor costs and improve welding efficiency.


In addition, unlike manual welding, the quality of products cannot be unified and guaranteed. Welding robots use computer programs to accurately calculate welding time and welding power, resulting in uniform and beautiful weld thickness. Due to the minimal influence of human factors during machine welding, it has the advantages of beautiful weld formation, stable welding process, and high welding efficiency. And the welding process of the product is of high quality, without welding through deformation or insufficient penetration. In addition, welding robots can also weld to many subtle areas that cannot be manually welded, making welding products more perfect and thus enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises.

Robotics and intelligent manufacturing have become important development directions in Chinese national strategy. From the perspective of welding technology development, welding robots and intelligence have also become development trends. Welding robots have emerged in intelligent factories and played an extremely important role in high-quality and efficient welding production. Therefore, as the birth rate continues to decrease, enterprises should quickly understand and try the use of welding robots to enhance their strength and economic benefits.

Post time: Jan-05-2024