The Chinese industrial robot vision industry has entered a stage of rapid development.

On the car production line, many robotic arms equipped with "eyes" are on standby.

A car that has just finished its paint job drives into the workshop. Testing, polishing, polishing... between the back and forth movement of the robotic arm, the paint body becomes smoother and brighter, all of which are automatically completed under the program settings.

As the "eyes" of robots, Robot version is one of the key factors in improving the level of robot intelligence, which will greatly promote the realization of industrial automation in robots.

Using Robot version as the eye to broaden the path of industrial robots

Robot version is a rapidly developing branch of artificial intelligence. As the name suggests, using machines instead of human eyes for measurement and judgment can significantly improve the automation and intelligence of production, ultimately improving production efficiency.

Robot version originated from abroad and was introduced to China in the 1990s. With the rapid development of electronic and semiconductor technology, Robot version is constantly expanding its application fields in China.

Since entering the 21st century, domestic enterprises have gradually increased their independent research and development, giving birth to a group of Robot version enterprises. According to relevant data, China is currently the third largest application market in the field of Robot version after the United States and Japan, with an expected sales revenue of nearly 30 billion yuan in 2023. China is gradually becoming one of the most active regions in the world for the development of Robot version.

People often learn about robots from movies. In fact, it is difficult for robots to fully replicate human abilities, and the direction of research and development personnel's efforts is not anthropomorphism as described in movies, but continuous improvement of relevant parameters for specific functions.

For example, robots can replicate human grasping and lifting functions. In this application scenario, engineering designers will only continuously improve the robot's grasping accuracy and load capacity, without completely replicating the flexibility of human arms and wrists, let alone attempting to replicate the sensitive touch of human arms.

Robot vision also follows this pattern.

Robot version can be applied to many application scenarios and functions, such as reading QR codes, determining the assembly position of components, and so on. For these functions, R&D personnel will continue to improve the accuracy and speed of Robot version recognition.

Robot version is the core component of automation equipment and robots, and is a key component when upgrading automation equipment to intelligent equipment. In other words, when the device is only a replacement for simple manual labor, the demand for Robot version is not strong. When automation equipment is required to replace complex human labor, it is necessary for the equipment to partially replicate human visual functions in terms of vision.

Robot version application with an camera

Software Defined Industrial Intelligence Achieves a New Talent in Localization of Robot version

Founded in 2018, Shibit Robotics focuses on AI Robot version and industrial intelligence software, committed to becoming a continuous pioneer and leader in the field of industrial intelligence. The company focuses on "software defined industrial intelligence" and relies on independently developed core technologies such as 3D vision algorithms, robot flexible control, hand eye collaboration fusion, multi robot collaboration, and factory level intelligent planning and scheduling to create a "digital twin+cloud native" industrial intelligence software platform for agile development, visual testing, rapid deployment, and continuous operation and maintenance, providing customers with system level software and hardware integrated solutions, Accelerating the implementation and application of intelligent production lines and smart factories in various industries, multiple core products have been delivered and used on a large scale in fields such as construction machinery, smart logistics, and automotive industry measurement:

The company's first intelligent cutting and sorting production line for heavy industrial steel plates has been implemented and applied on a large scale in multiple leading enterprises; The series of large-sized and high-precision online measurement specialized machines in the automotive industry has broken the long-term monopoly of foreign countries and has successfully delivered to multiple global automotive OEMs and leading component enterprises; The dynamic sorting robots in the logistics industry also enjoy a good reputation in fields such as food, e-commerce, medicine, express logistics, warehousing logistics, etc

Our R&D capabilities continue to build technological barriers. As a high-tech enterprise with software as its core, the research and development capabilities of software systems, visual algorithms, and robot control algorithms of Shibit Robotics are its core technological advantages. Shibit Robotics advocates defining intelligence through software and attaches great importance to research and development capabilities. Its founding team has years of research accumulation in the fields of computer vision, robotics, 3D graphics, cloud computing, and big data. The core technical backbone comes from universities and research institutions such as Princeton, Columbia University, Wuhan University, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and has won national and provincial level scientific and technological awards multiple times. According to the introduction, among the more than 300 employees of Shibit Robotics, there are over 200 R&D personnel, accounting for over 50% of the annual R&D investment.

Robot version in vehicle assenmbly welding

In recent years, with the continuous acceleration of Chinese intelligent manufacturing transformation and upgrading process, the demand for industrial robots in the market has grown rapidly. Among them, as the "smart eye" of robots, the popularity of the 3D Robot version market is not decreasing, and industrialization is progressing rapidly.

The combination of AI+3D vision technology is currently not uncommon in China. One of the reasons why Vibit robots can develop rapidly is that the company attaches great importance to the practical application of technology in multiple aspects of industrial manufacturing, focuses on the common needs and pain points of intelligent upgrading and transformation of industry leading customers, and focuses on overcoming common problems in the industry. Vision Bit Robotics targets the three major industries of engineering machinery, logistics, and automobiles, and has launched multiple core products including fully automatic steel plate part cutting and sorting systems, 3D visual guided robot intelligent sorting solutions, and multi camera high-precision 3D visual measurement and defect detection systems, achieving standardized and low-cost solutions in complex and special scenarios.

Conclusion and Future

Nowadays, the industrial robot industry is developing rapidly, and Robot version, which plays the role of the "golden eye" of industrial robots, plays an indispensable role.

In recent years, the trend of intelligent devices has become increasingly apparent, and the application field of Robot version has become more extensive, with a significant growth rate in market space. The domestic market for core components of Robot version has long been dominated by a few international giants, and domestic brands are on the rise. With the upgrading of domestic manufacturing, the global high-end manufacturing capacity is shifting to China, which will simultaneously increase the demand for high-end precision Robot version equipment, further promote the technological iteration of domestic Robot version components and equipment manufacturers, and improve their understanding of application processes.

Post time: Nov-29-2023