Ten Years of China’s Robot Industry

With the rapid development of technology, robots have penetrated into every corner of our lives and become an indispensable part of modern society. The past decade has been a glorious journey for China's robotics industry from scratch to excellence. Nowadays, China is not only the world's largest robot market, but has also achieved remarkable results in technology research and development, industrial scale, and application fields.

Ten Years of China’s Robot Industry

has achieved remarkable results in technology research and development, industrial scale, and application fields

Looking back ten years ago, China's robotics industry had just started. At that time, our robot technology was relatively backward and mainly relied on imports. However, this situation did not last long. With the strong support and policy guidance of the country for technological innovation, as well as the attention and investment of various sectors of society in robotics technology, China's robotics industry has achieved rapid development in just a few years. In 2013, the sales of industrial robots in China reached 16000 units, accounting for 9.5% of global sales. However, in 2014, the sales increased to 23000 units, a year-on-year increase of 43.8%. During this period, the number of robot enterprises in China began to gradually increase, mainly distributed in coastal areas.

With the progress of technology and the development of the industry, China's robot industry has entered a stage of rapid development. In 2015, the sales of industrial robots in China reached 75000 units, a year-on-year increase of 56.7%, accounting for 27.6% of global sales. In 2016, the Chinese government released the "Development Plan for the Robot Industry (2016-2020)", which set a goal of achieving a sales volume of independent brand industrial robots accounting for more than 60% of the total market sales by 2020.

With the transformation and upgrading of China's manufacturing industry and the implementation of the "China Intelligent Manufacturing" strategy, China's robot industry has entered a stage of high-quality development. In 2018, the sales of industrial robots in China reached 149000 units, a year-on-year increase of 67.9%, accounting for 36.9% of global sales. According to IFR statistics, the size of China's industrial robot market reached 7.45 billion US dollars in 2019, a year-on-year increase of 15.9%, making it the world's largest industrial robot market. In addition, China's independent brand robots have continuously increased their market share in the domestic market.

Over the past decade, Chinese robot companies have sprung up like mushrooms, covering various fields such as robot research and development, production, sales, and services. These enterprises have continuously made breakthroughs in technology research and development, gradually narrowing the gap with the world's advanced level. Meanwhile, with the support of national policies, China's robot industry has gradually formed a complete industrial chain, with strong competitiveness from upstream component production to downstream application implementation.

In terms of application, China's robot industry has also achieved widespread application. Robots can be seen in traditional fields such as automobile manufacturing and electronic equipment manufacturing, as well as emerging fields such as healthcare, agriculture, and service industries. Especially in fields such as healthcare and agriculture, China's robot technology has reached a world leading level. For example, medical robots can assist doctors in precise surgery, improving the success rate of surgery; Agricultural robots can automate planting, harvesting, and management, greatly improving production efficiency.

In the past decade, China's robotics industry has undergone tremendous changes. From dependence on imports to independent innovation, from technological backwardness to world leadership, from a single application field to extensive market coverage, every stage is full of challenges and opportunities. In this process, we have witnessed the rise and strength of China's technological power, as well as China's firm determination and persistent pursuit of technological innovation.

However, despite significant achievements, the road ahead is still full of challenges. With the rapid development of technology and the intensification of market competition, we need to further strengthen technological innovation and research and development, and improve our core competitiveness. At the same time, we also need to strengthen international cooperation and exchange, draw on advanced world experience and technological achievements, and promote the development of China's robot industry to a higher level.

Looking ahead, China's robotics industry will continue to maintain a momentum of rapid development. The Chinese government has released the "New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan". By 2030, the overall technology and application of artificial intelligence in China will be synchronized with the world's advanced level, and the core industry scale of artificial intelligence will reach 1 trillion yuan, becoming a major innovation center for artificial intelligence in the world. We will promote China's robotics industry to the center of the world stage with a more open mindset and broader perspective. We believe that in the coming days, China's robot technology will achieve breakthroughs and innovative applications in more fields, making greater contributions to the development and progress of human society.

Summarizing the development process of these ten years, we cannot help but feel proud of the brilliant achievements of China's robot industry. From scratch to excellence, and then to excellence, every step of China's robotics industry is inseparable from our joint efforts and perseverance. In this process, we not only gained rich experience and achievements, but also accumulated valuable wealth and beliefs. These are the driving forces and support for us to continue moving forward.

Finally, let's once again look back on the glorious journey of this decade and thank all the people who have worked hard for China's robotics industry. Let's work together to create a better blueprint for future development.



Post time: Nov-08-2023