Summary of practical operation and application skills of industrial robots

The application of industrial robots in modern manufacturing is becoming increasingly widespread. They can not only improve production efficiency, reduce labor costs, but also ensure product quality and stability. However, in order to fully utilize the role of industrial robots, it is necessary to master certain practical and application skills. This article will summarize the practical operation and application skills of industrial robots, which can be divided into the following key points:

1. Preliminary preparation and safe operation:

Understand the robot operation manual, be familiar with robot construction, parameter settings, and functional limitations.

Conduct necessary safety training, wear personal protective equipment, comply with safety operating procedures, and ensure that the robot system operates in safe mode.

Set up safety fences and emergency stop buttons to prevent accidents.

2. Robot programming and debugging:

Use robot programming software (such as ABB's RobotStudio, FANUC's Robot Guide, etc.) for offline programming to simulate robot motion trajectories and task processes.

Learn and master robot programming languages such as RAPID, Karel, etc. for online programming and debugging.

Calibrate the robot tool coordinate system (TCP) to ensure the accuracy of robot motion.

3. Trajectory planning and motion control:

Based on the shape of the workpiece and the requirements of welding, assembly and other processes, plan a reasonable motion trajectory to avoid interference and collision.

Set appropriate acceleration and deceleration, speed, and acceleration parameters to ensure smooth and efficient movement.

4. Integration of sensors and visual systems:

Master how to integrate and use sensors (such as force sensors, photoelectric sensors, etc.) to achieve robot perception of the external environment.

Using visual systems for guiding positioning, part recognition, and quality control to improve production accuracy.

surface transfer printing production of plastic parts

5. Process optimization and parameter adjustment:

Adjust welding current, voltage, speed and other parameters according to different welding processes (such as MIG, TIG, laser welding, etc.).

For tasks such as handling and assembly, adjust fixture design, gripping force, and release timing to ensure process stability.

6. Troubleshooting and maintenance:

Learn and practice common troubleshooting methods, such as joint jamming, communication abnormalities, sensor failures, etc.

Regularly maintain the robot, including lubrication, cleaning, and inspecting all joints, cables, and sensors of the robot.

According to the manufacturer's recommendations, carry out preventive maintenance on time, including replacing vulnerable parts, inspecting electrical connections, etc.

7. System integration and collaborative work:

Integrate robots with other automation equipment (such as conveyor lines, PLCs, AGVs, etc.) to achieve production line automation.

In the application of collaborative robots, ensure the safety of human-machine collaboration and learn and apply the unique safety functions of collaborative robots.

8. Continuous learning and technological innovation:

With the continuous progress of industrial robot technology, we will continue to follow up on new technologies and applications, such as robot cloud platforms and the application of AI technology in robots.

In summary, the practical operation and application skills of industrial robots cover not only basic skills such as operating, programming, and debugging the robot itself, but also advanced application capabilities such as system integration, process optimization, and safety prevention for the entire automated production line. Only through continuous practice and learning can the efficiency of industrial robots be fully utilized, production efficiency and product quality be improved.

Post time: Apr-08-2024