Sensors will promote the development of robots and address four major challenges

Among the technologies that have the greatest impact on the development of robots, in addition to artificial intelligence, big data, positioning, and navigation, sensor technology also plays a crucial role. External detection of the working environment and object status, internal detection of the working status of the robot itself, combined with comprehensive information exchange, sensors truly transform "machines" into "humans", ensuring the automation, unmanned upgrading and development of industrial production.

In recent years, Chinese robotics industry has achieved good development results, and both industrial robots, service robots, and special robots have been widely used. On the one hand, this is closely related to the continuous release of global demand for automated production and the increasingly micro level demographic dividend. On the other hand, due to the continuous progress and improvement of various intelligent technologies.

Among the technologies that have the greatest impact on the development of robots, in addition to artificial intelligence, big data, positioning, and navigation, sensor technology also plays a crucial role. As a primary detection device, sensors are like a medium for robots to understand the world, endowing them with the ability to perceive the external environment. In the future, with the acceleration of the era of Internet of Things and intelligent perception, robots will enter a new era of informatization and intelligence will become the trend. In order to achieve this upgrade and development, sensors remain one of the crucial and irreplaceable dependencies.

The development of robots requires sensors to support it

At present, robots can have flexible postures, sensitive intelligence, and fully automatic operations. All of these physical applications and sensory functions that are similar to humans cannot do without the blessing of sensors. For robots, sensors are like various sensory organs for humans. The five perceptual abilities of robots, such as vision, strength, touch, smell, and taste, are transmitted by sensors.

More powerful than human perception organs, sensors can not only endow robots with perception functions from the outside, but also detect the internal working status of the robots themselves. By detecting and understanding the position, speed, temperature, load, voltage, and other information of the joints, and then feedback the information to the controller, a closed-loop control is formed to effectively ensure and improve the operation and sensitivity of the robot itself.

External detection of the working environment and object status, internal detection of the working status of the robot itself, combined with comprehensive information exchange, sensors truly transform "machines" into "humans", ensuring the automation, unmanned upgrading and development of industrial production. At the same time, sensors are also divided into many sub categories, mainly the application of intelligent sensors, which will promote the new upgrading and development of future intelligence and information for service robots and special robots.


Chinese sensor development faces four major difficulties

Nowadays, driven by policies and markets, the industrial ecosystem of sensors in China is becoming increasingly perfect, with backbone enterprises participating in design, manufacturing, and other processes. Some research institutions have also established relevant service platforms to promote industrial innovation and development. However, due to the late start of the industry and high competitive pressure, the development of sensors in China still faces four major difficulties.

One is that key technologies have not yet achieved breakthroughs. The design technology of sensors includes many disciplines, theories, materials, and technical knowledge, which are difficult to break through. At present, due to a lack of talent, high research and development costs, and fierce competition among enterprises, China has not yet broken through some common key technologies of sensors.

Secondly, there is insufficient industrialization capacity. Due to the backward technological strength of Chinese enterprises and the lack of industry development norms, domestic sensor products are not matched, not in series, repetitive production, and vicious competition, resulting in poor product reliability, more serious low deviation, and the degree of industrialization is not proportional to the variety and series, and can only rely on foreign imports for a long time.

The third is the lack of concentration of resources. At present, there are more than 1600 sensor enterprises in China, but most of them are small and micro enterprises with weak profitability and a lack of leading technological enterprises. This ultimately leads to the dispersion of capital, technology, enterprise layout, industrial structure, market, and other aspects, and the inability to effectively concentrate resources and mature industrial development.

Fourthly, high-end talents are relatively scarce. Due to the development of the sensor industry being in its early stages, the capital, technology, and industrial foundation are relatively weak. In addition, it involves many disciplines and requires extensive knowledge. New technologies are constantly emerging, making it difficult to attract high-end talents to join. In addition, the imperfect and unreasonable talent training mechanism in China has also led to a shortage of talents in the industry.

Intelligent sensors will become the place of the future

However, although the development of sensors in China still faces unresolved issues, the sensor industry will also usher in new development opportunities under the trend of global intelligent living and intelligent production. As long as we can seize it, China can still catch up with advanced countries.

At present, the sensor market has gradually shifted from industrial automation to consumer goods, especially household appliances and automotive sensors. Among them, the scale of the automotive electronics market is growing rapidly at a rate of 15% -20% per year, and the number of automotive sensors is also increasing. With the emergence of new technologies and products such as autonomous vehicles, the demand for new sensors such as intelligent sensors will only continue to increase in the future.

In this situation, domestic enterprises should effectively utilize the existing policy dividends, actively promote the research and innovation of technology and core components, establish a complete industrial structure system, continuously improve their international competitiveness, and find a favorable position for the future new sensing market highland!

Post time: Feb-02-2024