Safety operating procedures and maintenance points for welding robots

1、 Safety operating procedures for welding robots
The safety operation regulations for welding robots refer to a series of specific steps and precautions formulated to ensure the personal safety of operators, the normal operation of equipment, and the smooth progress of the production process when using welding robots for operations.
The safety operation regulations for welding robots mainly include the following aspects:
1. Before the robot starts working, it must be inspected to ensure that there is no damage or leakage in the cable tray and wires; Is it strictly prohibited to place debris, tools, etc. on the robot body, external shaft, gun cleaning station, water cooler, etc; Is it strictly prohibited to place objects containing liquids (such as water bottles) on the control cabinet; Is there any leakage of air, water, or electricity; Is there no damage to the welding fixture threads and is there no abnormality in the robot.
2. The robot can only operate without an alarm after being powered on. After use, the teaching box should be placed in a designated position, away from high temperature areas, and not in the robot work area to prevent collisions.
Before operation, check whether the voltage, air pressure, and indicator lights are displayed normally, whether the mold is correct, and whether the workpiece is installed properly. Be sure to wear work clothes, gloves, shoes, and protective goggles during operation. The operator must operate carefully to prevent collision accidents.
4. If any abnormalities or malfunctions are found during operation, the equipment should be immediately shut down, the site should be protected, and then reported for repair. Only enter the robot operation area for adjustment or repair after shutdown.
5. After welding the completed part, check if there are any uncleaned splashes or burrs inside the nozzle, and if the welding wire is bent. Clean it if necessary. Keep the fuel injector at the gun cleaning station unobstructed and the oil bottle filled with oil.
6. Robot operators must be trained and certified to work. When entering the training venue, one should follow the instructions of the instructor, dress safely, listen attentively, observe carefully, strictly prohibit playing and playing, and keep the venue clean and tidy.
7. Carefully and meticulously operate to prevent collision accidents. Non professionals are strictly prohibited from entering the robot work area.
8. After completing the work, turn off the air circuit device, cut off the power supply of the equipment, and confirm that the equipment has stopped before cleaning and maintenance can be carried out.
In addition, there are some safety rules that need to be followed, such as operators must undergo professional training and be familiar with the most basic equipment safety knowledge; When opening the air valve switch, ensure that the air pressure is within the specified range; Prohibit unrelated personnel from entering the robot workplace; When the equipment is running automatically, it is prohibited to approach the robot's range of motion, etc.
The above information is for reference only. The specific safety operating procedures may vary depending on the robot model, usage environment, and other factors. Therefore, in actual operation, the robot's user manual and safety operating procedures should be referred to, and relevant regulations should be strictly followed.

six axis welding robot (2)

2、 How to maintain robots
The maintenance of robots is crucial to ensuring their long-term stable operation. Different types of robots (such as industrial robots, service robots, household robots, etc.) may require different maintenance strategies, but the following are some general robot maintenance recommendations:
1. Reading the manual: Before performing any maintenance, be sure to carefully read the robot's user manual and maintenance guide to understand the manufacturer's specific recommendations and requirements.
2. Regular inspection: Conduct regular inspections according to the manufacturer's recommended cycle, including mechanical components, electrical systems, software, etc.
3. Cleaning: Keep the robot clean and avoid the accumulation of dust, dirt, and debris, which may affect the performance and lifespan of the robot. Gently wipe the outer shell and visible parts with a clean cloth or appropriate cleaning agent.
4. Lubrication: lubricate movable parts as needed to reduce wear and maintain smooth movement. Use the manufacturer's recommended lubricant.
5. Battery maintenance: If the robot uses batteries, ensure proper charging and discharging to avoid overcharging or discharging, which may damage the batteries.
6. Software updates: Regularly check and install software updates to ensure that the robot runs the latest operating system and security patches.
7. Parts replacement: Replace worn or damaged parts in a timely manner to avoid causing larger problems.
8. Environmental control: Ensure that the temperature, humidity, and dust levels in the environment where the robot operates are within the allowable range.
9. Professional maintenance: For complex robot systems, regular inspections and maintenance may be required by professional technicians.
10. Avoid abuse: Ensure that robots are not overused or used for non design purposes, which may lead to premature wear and tear.
11. Training operators: Ensure that all operators have received appropriate training on how to use and maintain robots correctly.
12. Record maintenance status: Establish a maintenance log to record the date, content, and any issues found during each maintenance.
13. Emergency procedures: Develop and familiarize oneself with operating procedures in emergency situations, in order to respond quickly in case of problems.
14. Storage: If the robot is not used for a long time, appropriate storage should be carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions to prevent component degradation.
By following the above maintenance recommendations, the lifespan of the robot can be extended, the probability of malfunctions can be reduced, and its optimal performance can be maintained. Remember, the frequency and specific steps of maintenance should be adjusted according to the type and usage of the robot.

Post time: Mar-22-2024