Robots on Duty at The Asian Games

Robots on Duty at The Asian Games

According to a report from Hangzhou, AFP on September 23, robots have taken over the world, from automatic mosquito killers to simulated robot pianists and unmanned ice cream trucks - at least at the Asian Games held in China.

The 19th Asian Games opened in Hangzhou on the 23rd, with approximately 12000 athletes and thousands of media and technical officials gathering in Hangzhou. This city is a hub of China's technology industry, and robots and other eye-opening devices will provide services, entertainment, and security for visitors.

Automatic mosquito killing robots roam the vast Asian Games village, trapping mosquitoes by simulating human body temperature and respiration; Running, jumping, and flipping robot dogs perform power supply facility inspection tasks. Smaller robot dogs can dance, while bright yellow simulation robots can play the piano; In Shaoxing City, where baseball and softball venues are located, autonomous minibuses will transport visitors.

Athletes can compete with robots participating in table tennis.

In the spacious media center, a red faced receptionist made of plastic and metal greets customers at a temporary bank outlet, with its body embedded with a numeric keyboard and card slot.

Even the construction of the venue is assisted by construction robots. The organizers say these robots are very cute and possess unique skills.

The three mascots of the Asian Games, "Congcong", "Chenchen", and "Lianlian", are robot shaped, reflecting China's desire to highlight this theme at the Asian Games. Their smiles adorn the huge Asian Games posters of the host city of Hangzhou and five co hosting cities.

Hangzhou is located in eastern China with a population of 12 million and is famous for its concentration of technology startups. This includes the booming robotics industry, which strives to narrow the gap with countries such as the United States and Japan that have developed rapidly in related fields.

The world is racing to break through the limits of artificial intelligence, and artificial intelligence driven humanoid robots made their debut at a United Nations summit in July this year.

The head of a Chinese technology company told AFP that I don't think robots will replace humans. They are tools that can help humans.


The Patrol Robot for The Hangzhou Asian Games Has Been Launched

The highly anticipated 2023 Asian Games opened on September 23 in Hangzhou, China. As a sports event, the security work of the Asian Games has always been of great concern. In order to improve security efficiency and ensure the safety of participating athletes and spectators, Chinese technology companies have recently launched a brand new patrol robot team for the Asian Games. This innovative measure has attracted great attention from global media and technology enthusiasts.

This Asian Games patrol robot team is composed of a group of highly intelligent robots that can not only perform security patrol tasks inside and outside the field, but also respond to emergency situations and provide real-time video monitoring. These robots adopt the most advanced artificial intelligence technology and have functions such as facial recognition, voice interaction, motion recognition, and environmental perception. They can identify suspicious behavior in the crowd and quickly convey this information to security personnel.

The Asian Games patrol robot can not only perform patrol tasks in densely populated areas, but also work at night or in other harsh environments. Compared to traditional manual patrols, robots have the advantages of fatigue free and long-term continuous work. Moreover, these robots can quickly obtain event safety information through interconnectivity with the system, thereby providing better support for security personnel.

Nowadays, the rapid development of technology has not only changed our way of life, but also brought new changes to the security work of sports events. The launch of the Asian Games patrol robot reflects the clever combination of artificial intelligence and sports. In the past, security work mainly relied on human patrols and surveillance cameras, but this approach had certain limitations. By introducing robot patrols, not only can work efficiency be improved, but also the workload of security personnel can be reduced. In addition to patrol tasks, Asian Games patrol robots can also help guide spectators, provide competition information, and provide venue navigation services. By combining with artificial intelligence technology, these robots can not only perform security tasks, but also create a more interactive and convenient viewing experience. Viewers can obtain event related information through voice interaction with robots and accurately locate seats or designated service facilities.

The launch of the Asian Games patrol robot has made a positive contribution to ensuring the safety of the event, and also demonstrated the highly developed technology of China to the world. This technological innovation not only opens a new chapter in sports security work, but also provides a striking example for countries around the world.

I believe that in the future, driven by technology, robots will play more important roles in various fields, creating a safer and more convenient life for people. In the upcoming Asian Games, we have reason to believe that the patrol robots of the Asian Games will become a unique scenic spot, safeguarding the safety of the event. Whether it is the improvement of security work or the improvement of audience experience, this Asian Games patrol robot team will play an important role. Let's look forward to this grand event of technology and sports together, and like the launch of patrol robots for the Asian Games!

Post time: Sep-26-2023