How to choose robot protective clothing? How to make robot protective clothing?

1. Robot protective clothing performance: There are many types of robot protective clothing performance, and the protective performance varies depending on the material selection. So when choosing protective clothing, it is important to pay attention to the actual working conditions of the protective equipment you need and choose the appropriate material to meet various protection needs

2. Quality of robot protective clothing: There are many manufacturers of robot protective clothing, and their quality varies depending on the manufacturer, material, and process. When choosing, in addition to checking whether the quality of the protective clothing is qualified, it is also important to check whether the quality of the protective clothing meets the requirements for the desired application.

3. The price of robot protective clothing: Robot protective clothing is a customized product, and the price of protective clothing is calculated based on actual material selection, equipment size, and material usage time. All prices are based on a reliable basis. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to whether the price matches the material selection, industry, and quality.

4. After sales of robot protective clothing: The robot protective clothing is customized according to the actual working environment and robot drawings, so there is a possibility of being too large or too small. At this time, it is important to have a good after-sales service manufacturer to reduce communication time and improve work efficiency.

5. Robot protective suit manufacturers: Robot protective suits are all customized, so when choosing, it is important to pay attention to choosing a manufacturer that produces robot protective suits. You can communicate face-to-face with their technical personnel to develop protection plans, and if there are any modifications or maintenance in the later stage, you can also communicate directly, saving intermediate communication links, avoiding information transmission errors, and also saving costs.

Precautions for robot protective clothing:

When choosing robot protective clothing, it is important to clearly state your protective needs and actual application conditions in order to ensure that the protective clothing produced is what you need.

robot with the protective suits

When choosing robot protective clothing, it is important to choose a suitable manufacturer to ensure product quality and after-sales service

1. Preparation for robot protective clothing: Based on the robot brand and model provided by the customer, working environment, robot function and purpose, and protection needs, develop a professional protection plan;

2. Fabric selection for robot protective clothing: Based on the established protection plan, select the fabric required to make robot protective clothing, such as selecting different fabrics for robot protective clothing according to environmental temperature, multifunctional fabrics composed of multiple materials, etc;

3. Selection of accessories for robot protective clothing: Based on the protection plan, select the spare parts needed to make robot protective clothing, such as composite materials for robot protective clothing, sewing threads for robot protective clothing, fire-resistant adhesive tapes or zippers for robot protective clothing, steel wire mesh, metal buckles, and various other accessories;

4. Design drawings for robot protective clothing: Technicians design professional and applicable robot protective clothing drawings based on the actual drawings and pipeline distribution of the robot. They choose integral or split structures according to the actual application conditions to ensure that the robot protective clothing is not affected by the structural form during installation and use;

5. Robot protective suit sample debugging: After preparing the required materials, workshop personnel cut according to the design drawings, combined with various spare parts processing to produce the required robot protective suits. After inspection, trial use, debugging, and trial use, multiple processes are carried out to ensure that the quality is qualified, the appearance is beautiful and the overall fit is good, and the protective effect is good.

6. Production of robot protective clothing: After the sample test is qualified and meets the customer's usage needs, production will begin based on the customer's actual order, and after inspection, it will be sent out in sequence.

7. Precautions for robot protective clothing: The working conditions of robot protective clothing are generally harsh, so great attention should be paid when selecting materials to ensure comprehensive protective performance.

Post time: Apr-17-2024