Core characteristics and advantages of welding robots

BORUNTE welding robot

The original intention of Bertrand's design of welding robots was mainly to solve the problems of difficult manual welding recruitment, low welding quality, and high labor costs in the manufacturing industry, so that the welding industry can achieve more efficient and safe development.

Core features

Assist in achieving automated welding. The BORUNTE welding robot is equipped with a laser welding gun head or an arc welding gun head, which can freely weld metals of different thicknesses. Paired with rolling pulleys, it can quickly adapt to various application scenarios. The memory welding path trajectory program can be accessed and used at any time, helping enterprises automate batch welding and achieving one person managing one welding production line.

Main advantages

The BORUNTE welding collaborative robot can be equipped with laser welding gun heads or arc welding gun heads, with three main advantages;


1. Automated programming

One is that there is no need for professionals to program on the computer. During the dragging process, the computer will automatically program and store the path. The next time the same component is welded, the program can be directly called to automatically weld. And it supports storing tens of thousands of paths, so this device is very suitable for manufacturing enterprises with many welding components.

2. Security improvement

The second is high security. As is well known, welding is a relatively arduous and dangerous job. Welding not only harms people's eyes, but also often leads to accidents due to the surrounding environment and contact with objects. The use of welding robots eliminates these concerns.

3. Improvement of welding quality

The third is to improve welding quality. Compared to humans, computer programs can more accurately calculate welding time and welding power, and are less prone to welding problems such as welding through deformation and insufficient penetration. Moreover, welding robots can also weld some subtle areas that are not easily handled by manual welding, greatly improving the quality of welding products.

In the future, BORUNTE Robotics will firmly become a practitioner of "welding robot+", always adhering to continuous innovation in welding robot technology, and striving to enable more and more enterprises to achieve welding automation, thereby promoting the long-term development of the welding industry.

Robot vision application

Post time: Mar-13-2024